Hela Steam & Massage

農本方足部蒸薰 ( 45 min ) + 足部按摩 ( 45 min )


— 商品內容 —

・服務包括:農本方足部蒸薰(45分鐘)+足部按摩 (45分鐘)。

— 使用方式—


— 分店特色 —

・HEla 喜樂台式薰蒸一直把客人健康放在第一位,所提供的服務都是希望使客人保健和養生。而他們的重點推介是薰蒸療程。薰蒸的主要原理是利用蒸氣熱力令血管擴張,加強吸收中藥,同時把身體毒素透過排汗排出體外。除此之外,他們亦十分重視薰蒸的設備,務求可達到最佳療效。為了令客人更放心,薰蒸過程中所用的中藥包全都由農本方 (香港註冊中醫藥廠) 提供。而且,店舖內的飲用水和薰蒸水都經由KangenWater 還原水過濾,增強客人對藥材的吸收。店內亦設有臭氧機消毒和淨化空氣,防止有任何細菌滋生。與此同時,所有薰蒸用品都會消毒,確保衛生。
・除了薰蒸,HEla 喜樂台式薰蒸亦有不同按摩供客人選擇。值得一提的是店舖內的頸枕,他們所選用的是蕎麥殼頸枕。這款頸枕可以改善失眠和頭暈等問題,相信對客人非常有益。
・HEla 喜樂台式薰蒸用心對待每一位,會留意每個細節,都只為讓客人有不一樣的美容體驗。雖然如此,但他們只收取合理價錢。若有天想用低成本享受高質素按摩服務,HEla 喜樂台式薰蒸的確是一個不錯的選擇。

About Merchant

  • ・HEla is a Taiwanese-style wellness centre that focuses on the providing the best services. What is Steam Spa? It is the use of heat from the steam to let your blood vessels under your skin to dilate, and allow the herbs to be quickly absorbed by your skin through the pores. It will help the deep layers of your skin to perspirate and eliminate toxins and heavy metals from your body. The benefits of it are that it will help strengthen your body, improve your immune system, and achieve the effects of healthy living that will leave you glowing and radiant. Why Taiwanese-style? Not only providing services that are worth your money, but also to let you feel genuinely touched. We hope that all of you will be able to experience the warmth of Taiwanese-style services, as well as feel the youthful and healthy joy.


4/F, 15 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Public Transportation

Causeway Bay MTR Station, Exit D1, 7 mins walk

Business Hours


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy